Become a member

Become a Member of our Golf Club
Levante Golf Club is an active club with a friendly and family atmosphere, with members of many nationalities.
Being a member allows you to participate in all our club events. Club competitions are regularly organized four to five times per week in various formats, plus special “major events”, e.g. Captains Day, President´s Day.
Members enjoy exclusive teetimes each day of the week, alternating between the Quinta da Ria and Quinta de Cima courses. Additionally, members enjoy advantageous booking rules outside member teetimes.
Other member benefits include discounted rates for restaurant food and beverage, as well as reduced prices for buggy rentals and driving range tokens. Members can bring guests at significantly reduced guest greenfees.
The club is a member of the Portuguese Golf Federation and handles your handicap.
You can become a member of Clube de Golfe do Levante only if you hold a subscription or Permanent Title with Quinta da Ria. Currently Quinta da Ria only offers Annual Subscriptions, but occasionally a Permanent Title comes up for sale by one of our members. Permanent titleholders benefit from contractual indexation of their Quinta da Ria subscriptions, whereas Quinta da Ria can set Annual Subscriptions year by year. Please inquire with our Members Office.